Cambridge movers unit 6

my neck, my shoulders

Dans cette leçon nous allons commencer à apprendre le comparatif, et revoir les parties du corps!


elephants are bigger than men

A mouse is smaller than A cat

the baby is younger than his brother

the man is older than the girl

a plane is faster than a car

a snail is slower than a rabbit

grammar box

To compare two objects (nouns) we use the comparative form of the adjective.

This is formed by adding -er to the adjective.

For example old becomes older

My grandmother is older than me!

Pour comparer deux objets nous utilisons le comparatif.

Pour former le comparatif nous ajoutons -er à l’adjectif 

Par exemple old devient older

My grandmother is older than me

(Ma grandmère est plus vieille que moi).

 Please scroll down to watch some videos and learn more about comparatives

Then practice by doing the exercices at the bottom of the page !  Have fun!!

Regardez les vidéos pour apprendre d’avantage.

Ensuite faites les activités en bas de la page pour vous entraïner! Have fun!
