Let's Review

What did we learn in this sequence?

Dans ce cours on va réviser tout ce qu’on a appris dans cette séquence.

Vidéo # 1

Vidéo # 2

Quiz 1 - Level 1

Voilà un premier quiz pour réviser et rafraichir tes connaissances sur la séquence # 3 : les parties du corps et les vêtements – Réponds aux questions et compte tes points !


Quiz Level 2

Listening & Writing Exercice Juniors

What do you wear during the week?

  1. On Monday, I wear a purple skirt with black boots
  2. On Tuesday, I wear pants and an orange tee-shirt
  3. On Wednesday, I wear a bathing suit, glasses, flip-flops and a big hat
  4. On Thursday, I wear green trousers, with a brown belt and a grey sweater
  5. On Friday, I wear my purple watch
  6. On Saturday, I wear earrings and my flower ring 
  7. On Sunday, I wear my pyjamas all day!
  8. And today, what are you wearing today? Can you describe it?


Worksheet : Test and Review

Game : Twin & Win