My Pet

He, she or it ?

Dans cette sequence nous avons appris comment dire les noms de animaux de compagnie, leurs parties du corps, les couleurs et le masculin/feminin!


She is a dog, her name is Bella

He is a rabbit, his name is Bill

He is a mouse, his name is Mickey

She is a snake, her name is Sophie

She is a cat, her name is Daisy

He is a bird, his name is Rio

She is a fish, her name is Nema

He is a hamster, his name is Chuck

Grammar box

An animal is referred as “it” unless the relationship is personal (like a pet that has a name).
Then it's OK to use “he” or “she” when referring to the animal. 

Pour un animal on utilise le pronom "it" en anglais, sauf si on a une relation personnelle avec lui ou elle (par exemple, l'animal a un nom).
Dans ce cas on peut utiliser "she" (elle) ou "he" (il).
