She can do it! She can dance! Vocabulary Videos PDF's Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre à dire ce qu'il / elle peut faire! Vocabulary She(Elle) He(Il) Talk Drink Eat Laugh Sleep Walk Videos PDF's "Action words" Booklet Week 3 (Kids 1) "Action words" Booklet Week 3 (Kids 2) Action words Go Fish + Memory cards Week 3 (Colour) Action words Go Fish + Memory cards Week 3 (BW) Online Memory Week 3 Online Memory Week 1-3 Online Sentence maker Week 3 Online Sentence maker Week 1-2-3 Quiz 1. audio : talk Picture: talkeatdrinklaugh 2. audio : walk picture : laughsleepLaughdrink 3. Audio : Eat walkdrinktalkEat 4. audio: Sleep EatSleepDrinkwalk 5. Select the actions that they can do! (picture) - eat audio : he can eathe can sleephe can laugh 6. audio she can dance, she cant drink she can dance, she can't drinkshe can't dance, she can drink Loading...