Let's cook!

Pavlo’s Tomatoes and Mozzarella Caprese Salad!

The Let’s Cook Replay is a 4 week program design to teach English through fun delicious lessons and games. Each lesson is focused on one recipe and one meal. We will start with starters, then continue on to main course, drinks and desert.  Perfectly designed for a delicious 4-course meal, packed with fun learning!

In this lesson we will learn how to cook Pavlo’s tomatoes and mozzarella Caprese salad. We will learn what ingredients we need and useful kitchen vocabulary. 

Vidéo # 1


I need

We can use ”I need” to explain/express a necessity. 

When we are cooking we can use ”I need” to talk about what ingredients and objects we need in order to cook the dish.  

Example: I need 2 tomatoes- J’ai besoin de 2 tomates.  I need some milk – J’ai besoin de lait. 

Vidéo # 2


Voici les exercices que nous allons faire en classe pour nous exercer: 

Le script de la recette à compléter :Recipe worksheet (imprimer svp)

L’audio de la recette à écouter


Cooking Flashcards 

Kitchen Objects Flashcards

Cooking Worksheet